Saturday 30 July 2011

Dsdn - 171 - assignment 3

In The Grammar of Ornament (1856) Owen Jones argued that, “Construction should be decorated. Decoration should never be purposely constructed.” Jones states that objects should stay true to its functions, and the decoration should not be over the top, where the decoration becomes the object, and the function is no longer obvious to the user.

I disagree with Jones because it's limiting the creativity that designers can offer, Every thing will look alike and will not evolve. Design shouldn't be limited by rules which tells you what you can and can't do, instead it should be free and creative.
Take this Mojito shoe designed by Julian Hakes for example according to Jones rules, this design is a 'false principles of design', This high-heal might look like squiggly green caterpillar thing but it will still serve its function as a shoe, with its unique look and style it really shows creativity and what designers can do without all these rules and limitations.

Friday 22 July 2011

Dsdn - 171 - assignment 2

An example of the continuing curve is the Chair Loopita by Victor Aleman.The subtle feminine features can be found throughout the design. The twisting of the chair soften the appearance and the shape flows together very nicely, The surface have a nice gloss which is creating a beautiful, smooth, relaxing and sensuous environment.
I believe that this design is the result of sensuous impulse because of the twisted shape givesing it an feminine feel to it. The chair has been designed to please and attract people in an emotional way and it still serves its purpose as a comfortable chair.

Friday 15 July 2011

DSDN - 171 assignment 1

Handheld Cellular Phone

Designed by Martin Cooper in 1973 when he was vice president and division manager of Motorola, the handheld cellular phone was revolutionary in how it could make a direct call to the person instead of a place.The phone weighed about 1.1 kg and with 35 minutes of talk time, it might not be the ideal phone, but it was the start of something big. Handheld cellular phones has inproved and it's part of our everyday life now and it was all made possible by Martin Cooper.