Sunday 12 June 2011

Open letter

 This is a wrapper which you can find on any Pepsi bottle, and instead of the ingredient on the back i replaced it with my letter.

Friday 10 June 2011


 In the background there's a Coca-cola truck driving past, which is showing there are more demands for Coca-cola than Pepsi
For my poster i used the Pepsi logo as a base for the poster, and assigned the top half with Coca-cola and the bottom half with Pepsi. I gave Pepsi less space is because it simply have less consumers and less demand compare to coca-cola. the heavens gate is a great metaphor for Pepsi, translates to only chosen ones can enter heaven, which relates to Pepsi in how they aim their advertisement on a minor group of people. Coca-cola is represented by the city of wellington which translates to it's for the people.

 Precedent image
I like how you can get the colors of coca-cola and Pepsi in the Pepsi logo, which allows you to brake them and compare them.


Final 2

i chose to use the dried leaf grid because it emphasize the work target really well, the leaf stands out from the grind.

development images

 With these images i tried a few different grids. first i have the dried dead leafs on the ground, which i think really emphasize the word "Target", next I place my "target" leaf on a tree which gave it this natural grind, last but not lest i took some leafs from the trees and place it on the ground to form a grid, it didn't turn out as well as i had hoped.