Saturday 10 September 2011

Dsdn - 171 - assignment 5

How has the experience and experimentation of artists influenced our understanding of colour and the development of a theory of ‘colour vision’?

In 1704 Isaac Newton influenced our understanding of colour by experimenting with light and colour. Isaac Newton reflected a beam of sun light through a prism which created a composition of colours arranged in a sequence. This experiment led to the discovery of colour theory and our understanding of colour.

Goethe Wolfgang opposed Newton’s mathematical perception on colour because he was interested in colour vision. Goethe Wolfgang’s theory dynamic interplay of light and darkness through the mediation of a turbid medium, this allowed artists to paint how they felt and their viewers a direct experience. Artists saw painting as an opportunity to manipulate colour, they started to use their own perception of colour. Painters now use the colour vision theory to interpret their feelings. From these interpretations viewers are also able to have their own experience.

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