Saturday 10 September 2011

Dsdn - 171 - assignment 9? 5? oh it's 6

In response to Walter Benjamin’s statement “To an ever greater degree the work of art reproduced becomes the work of art designed for reproducibility. From a photographic negative, for example, one can make any number of prints; to ask for the authentic print makes no sense.” Do you agree or disagree?

I strongly agree with Walter because when something is reproduced it will no longer authentic, and the aura about it is lost. Authentic print has no meaning in the digital world because everything can be reproduced with a click of a button. We download copies of images and songs so much that all aspects of aura have been lost, because everyone else can also download a copy of that image and song, then it will no longer be authentic.

Do you think there is a role for the ‘authentic’ in an age of digital design and manufacture?

I believe there is no role for the ‘authentic’ in an age of digital design and manufacture because everything can be reproduced and copied without any noticeable difference, numerous people have the same phones, cloths, shoes, pens, and the list is endless. The point is there will always be someone out there that will have the something you do. Authentication is no longer possible in this age.

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