Sunday 2 October 2011

Dsdn - 171 - assignment 7

In this week’s lecture we discussed the concept of the “symbolic universe” as a cultural “structure of legitimation” capable of organizing the social world as comprehensible and connected.  The structure of the symbolic universe then, places the individual in a known and knowable space. Such social structures are critical for societies in transition. Can you identify the creation of any “symbolic universe” today (or in recent years)? How might media and design be implicated in the construction of these social universes today?

Advertisement is one of the creations of “symbolic universe” today, it’s all around us, and no matter where we look there will be some form of advertisement. Companies are creating advertisements to make us believe their products will help us improve our life styles.

This perfume advertisement is a good example of a creations of "symbolic universe", the ads showing a beautiful woman being treated like a princess when wearing their perfume, this is portraying that the consumer will become a princesses upon wearing the perfume, the ads are taking advantage of the consumers desire to be loved and treated better. It is ridiculous to even think about becoming princesses by just by wearing some perfume, but yet consumers are still buying it, because subconsciously they can't help but believe it.

Media and design are implicated in the construction of "symbolic universes". it is the design of a advertisement that sells the ideals to the consumers, media help spreads the ideal in all shaped size and form.

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