Sunday 2 October 2011

Dsdn - 171 - assignment 9

1945 cold war was an ideology war where the communists and the non-communist (America), the America was believed to be “the good life”, and claimed it was the better than Russia and they provided a better life style for its people. George Marshall started “The Marshall plan”, the plan created consumer markets and put out the idea that consumerism was freedom. America “Offered a bright vision of material abundance to assuage the privations of Europe” (Pavitt, 2008, p. 75) in an effort to convince Europe that a consumerist society was the way to rebuild the economy.

American corporations sold not only products to the people, but firstly and fore mostly the idea that their products were necessary, would make one happier, and would improve one’s quality of life. Woman was seen as the consumers therefore lots of marketing came out that put forward the idea of consumer choice.  This marketing was aimed at the woman and this was meant to in courage them to buy the goods and make them happy.

Image below is a Coca-Cola’s summer ad of a group of young adults having fun, drinking Coca-Cola. They are full with energy. This advertisement was aimed at young adults and teenagers as they want to have fun on summer. It's meant to pull this user group in and make them want to buy Coca-Cola so they too can be exciting, fun and "the good life".

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