Sunday 9 October 2011

Dsdn - 171 - assignment 10

Postmodernist and ‘remix’ techniques are a vibrant part of our design culture today. Find an example of contemporary design—2D or 3D—and post it to your blog along with a description of 
what techniques it utilises (i.e. historical quotation, ornamental eclecticism, wit or irony, manipulations of scale, cultural symbols etc.) and how they serve to ‘add meaning’ to the work.

Postmodernist and ‘remix’ techniques are a philosophical movement away from viewpoint of modernism. It’s different from other design styles, it takes styles from the past and is manipulated and mixed together to create a unique design style.

An example of postmodernism is the violin and piano shaped building, it is located in the An Hui province of china. The violin and piano building mixes different styles in its design for example it uses scale as a main factor by scaling the instruments into a size of a building which is way beyond the size of any normal instruments. This building is heavily ornamented, it is no longer obvious to the user. The violin is serving as an entrance to the building and the piano is the main building, But it’s not obvious, it looks like a giant statue if you didn’t know it was a building from afar.
These styles of design is help portraying the culture and Cory Hall (2009 July 24) “stereotypes about the Chinese” [Web log post].

Web log post retrieved from:

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