Sunday 2 October 2011

Dsdn - 171 - assignment 8

Do you agree or disagree with the position that design is a result of “function x economy”? Do you think design today an ‘art’ or a ‘science’? Should it be one or the other, or can it be both

Walter Gropius focused on substantive functions and efficiency in terms of design “He supported artistic freedom and individuality rather than the imposition of typical standardized forms”. (Raizman, 2004, pg. 181) Hannes Meyer who took over as director in 1928 believed the combination of industry and art are right in the way of think about design.

I believe design is a result of both “art” and “science” because design is a work of art which appeals to the consumers, but without science the design would be useless. If materials weren’t tested, it wouldn’t be suitable for the object. The image below is good an example a fix of art and design, without science the designer wouldn’t know if the wood would hold or not, for all we know he could of used cardboard, and without art it the designer wouldn't of thought of something like this and just made another simple chair with 4 legs on the ground holding it up.

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